Love handles suck. It doesn't matter if you're slightly chubbier than you'd like to be or skinny with a case of the muffin top: Love handles plague us all. But there is a way to get rid of them for go ...
A lot of women mistakingly think that they can't do arm exercises or lift weights because they will bulk up like a classic chunkhead. But this logic is extremely false. If you're trying to lose weight ...
Not all of us have hours and hours to devote each day to exercise. In fact, we applaud you if you manage to squeeze in a thirty minute workout about five times a week. Life tends to get busy, but if y ...
A little tidbit of fitness advice: Always do cardio first, and strength training afterwards. Cardio builds heat in your body and lubricates joints so once you're lifting weights or doing muscle-specif ...
Love handles, also affectionately known as saddlebags, don't look quite so cheery in a bikini or popping over skinny jeans as a muffin top. In fact, if we're going to be honest here, the only time you ...
It can be really hard and intimidating to start a fitness program, especially if you've never worked out on a consistent basis before. But if your goal is to lose anywhere from 30 to 50 pounds then yo ...
Did you know you don't even have to get off the floor to tone your butt into a streamlined, round bedonkadonk and to boost your cleavage so it's rounder and firmer? Take a gander at this fitness video ...
Whether you're preparing for a thirty minute bout of interval running or for an intense weight lifting session, warming up is vital to building heat in your body so your joints are lubricated and ther ...
Fitness gurus always recommend you have fun during your workouts in order to keep your mind and body stimulated and to get you to keep working out. But we all know that after a few lateral lifts and j ...