This may surprise you, but rowers weren't born with a perfect six pack of abs and Incredible Hulk-like shoulders. They happen to be in a sport that revolves around how fast they can move their arms fr ...
We know, we know: squats hurt. Like, really bad. But when it comes to exercise, the more a workout hurts the more effective it is at toning up those trouble areas. Take this dumbbell squat, for instan ...
These close grip pull downs can be done as part of a strength training circuit to help you tone your entire back and especially your lateral muscles. The close grip pull down also employs your midsect ...
Do you want sculpted, V-shaped lats that make your backside look like God's gift to women? Then check out this fitness tutorial to learn how to do the dead lift, an exercise move that involves picking ...
When it comes to building six pack abs, there's no better way to summarize the process than to say no pain, no gain. Sexiness requires work, guys and gals, but we promise the pain will be well worth i ...
We don't usually think that you need exercise equipment in order to work out effectively. In fact, most of the time you can achieve comparable results to going to the gym simply by using your own body ...
Don't worry guys: the Skull Krusher isn't as intimidating as it sounds, and no skulls - especially not yours - will be harmed in the process. Check out this muscle building video to learn how to compl ...
To do this tricep and arm toning exercise, just think of the way you take a back scratcher to your back, moving your arms up over your head and then up and down until you finally scratch that itch. Th ...
Seated dips are one of those exercises that looks easy but is a real pain to actually do. While you can do seated dips on the floor, doing them on a bench with your feet flexed adds an extra dimension ...